Thursday, March 19, 2009

Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to drop a quick line to say Hi! We have been so busy lately with T-ball and getting ready for Trisha's Baby to arrive that I haven't had much time to post. She is going to have a scheduled c-section on April 6th in the afternoon! Her diaper shower is this weekend! Very exciting! I also just wanted everyone to know that there is a comment button after every post and I would love to hear from you! I know our families follow this blog but I am interested to know who else does. Obviously someone else is reading it because I have only had a ticker for about a month now and already over 1,000 people have visited our site! I welcome everyone to visit and I would love to hear from you all! I also hope you all like my cute little signature I have adopted for my blog!

In other news, the boys just started practice for their Easter play (Huett hates it and couldn't care less, but Sam really seems to enjoy it), and Mikey, Trisha and I start the adult Easter play practice tomorrow night. That should be interesting. I am sure Mikey has some mad acting chops that he has kept hidden for the last 6 years. I know I do! (Thanks Mr. Manning who taught my horrendous drama class in the 9th grade)

Also Kids market is Thursday and I CAN NOT WAIT! I will have pics of all my cute buys next week!!!!! These are just a few pictures of what awaits us when the doors open next Thursday... I already have my whole game plan laid out!

I could do a whole other post on the inner-workings of Kids Market and I may in the near future just to explain the phenomenon that is consignment sale shopping(kids market is the mecca of all consignment sales BTW!) And no, you are not too good for consignment sales! They are great and kind of addictive and even a little competitive! Anyway I will explain this all in a later post right now it is time to clock out and head home to a 2 and 3 year old who have been at t-ball practice and a husband who is no doubt frazzled from coaching said practice! Have a great weekend!


  1. Mikey i a very good actor, ask him about all of his Chrismas plays @ church, especially when he and PawPaw and Michelle played the homeless people!!

  2. Hey Tiffany! It's Megan yeah.. I've been peeping your blog! Hope you find some good stuff at Kids Market I hit up a couple of the church consignment sales & sold some stuff at them too & I love them!

  3. Hey Tiff! It's April (Thomas). I admit- I've been stalking your blog since you sent the Christmas card with the link on it. I love seeing pics of the boys and reading all about them. Keep the goods coming! Can't wait to hear if little peanut is a boy or girl (I call GIRL!) Have a good week!

  4. Hey! So sorry it has taken me so long to respond. Once I would sit down to type, one kid or the other would need something! I am so glad to hear you guys are doing so well, congrats on #3! I definitely still have your pump, but I am not sure how much longer Blake is going to nurse... so I will get it to you whenever you need it. I am glad the comment thing works now so I can leave quick notes!
