Friday, February 27, 2009

pregnancy update...

So I went for my ultrasound/ dr. appt. on Thursday. Everything went well. I have somehow managed to lose three pounds since my first visit which the doctor scolded me for. I assured him that I was not losing the weight on purpose, and reminded him that if I was purposefully trying to lose weight I wouldn't be successful. The culprit must be my constant nausea. I gag at random all day long. It doesn't matter whether I have an empty stomach, or terribly full. It doesn't matter if it is 6:00 A.M. or 8:00 P.M. I will be nauseous. He reassured me that this should pass sometime in the next few weeks. So while I am apparently shrinking(yeah right) The baby is growing right on schedule...actually a little bit ahead. I also told Dr. Huggins that I have been crazy tired the past month or more to which he replied...and I quote,"Well, you are getting older." To which I quickly reminded him, "I am only 25 and will turn 26 only a month before the baby is born! Anyway, I go back to the doctor in a 4 weeks exactly! I'll update everyone then!

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