Friday, January 16, 2009

Happy Birthday to Sam!!

This is my niece Teagan and her mommy Jenny. She was just learning to walk at the party so it was fun watching her walk around on all the mats. She has the prettiest blue eyes.

This is a picture of the giant parachute which was by far one of the coolest parts of the party. The teacher had all of the kids get on top of it and we waved the edges. Then she had all of the kids plus me and Mikey get under it and the parents waved it up and down. After that she had all of the parents raise it really high and then swoop under it and we were all inside of it and air was caught in it so it was like we were all in a giant bubble. After the parents got back out they raised it up and on the count of 3 all of the parents let go and the teacher snatched the parachute back and it was almost like that huge parachute just disappeared. I was impressed...maybe even a little more than the kids.

So let's face it... my baby is not a baby anymore! He is officially two years old. He had the greatest birthday party at Gymboree and I would absolutely recommend that place to anyone with a young child. The teachers were great, the equipment was a blast, and much to my surprise, it was so clean in there. Almost like we were the first people to ever set foot on the toys. Look at his big puppy dog brown eyes. I know his hair has gotten so long but I just can't bring myself to cut it because it is so silky and shiny.