A few weekends ago, my parents and my sister took the kids camping at Oak Mountain. Everyone had a blast, but as you can see here, Sam got a nasty busted lip, bless his heart. He was just walking down down the sidewalk when he tripped and hit the curb with nothing but his mouth. Mom and Trisha said that had he been running, it would've knocked his teeth out. When he fell, there was lots of blood. When he finally calmed down, they called to tell us about it. I got on the phone with Sam and he said," I fall down, I cry, I need you." Talk about making you feel guilty for not being there. A big part of me wanted to go and get him, but I didn't b/c of My hot date with Mikey, to go see Little Texas, but that's a whole other post. Anyway, once he calmed down( and it took a while b/c he wanted his pacifier, but to add insult to injury, he could use it b/c it hurt too) he was fine and eating again so he recovered well and didn't really need his mommy.
Like a waterfall in slow motion, Part One
2 years ago
You mean your mother is going to leave Charlie?