Thursday, August 13, 2009

Let the nesting begin

Isn't it a little ironic that at 9 months pregnant and after a several day stretch of only sleeping a few hours a night, God instills in a mom, the urge to clean and prepare for the babies arrival? I mean seriously, out of the going on 10 months of a pregnancy if ever there is a time when I should not feel like cleaning and organizing, it is now. But just like I have with every other pregnancy, I have this burst of energy and a sense of urgency to get everything just right for Charlie's arrival. As we speak, my brother/personal contractor on-call is painting the nursery room and trim, as well as painting the trim in Huett and Sam's room which I have been putting off for months. Don't worry,we are paying him :-)... Mikey and I are going tomorrow to buy new ceiling fans and light fixtures for several rooms in the house, not to mention, Charlies special-order fabric has arrived at Hancock Fabric so I can finally put a rush order on his bedding! Also, yesterday, I could be seen at Wal-mart buying outlet covers, light switch covers, and a new digital thermostat to convert our ancient round one into something a little...make that a lot more modern! Now more so than with Huett or Sam , I feel like I have to be organized with everything. I just hear horror stories of going from 2 children to 3 that make me feel a little intimidated. But I also heard the same things when I went from one to two and they were only 17 months apart and I showed them! (I am sticking my tongue out as I write) Anyway, I can't wait to hang his cute wall hangings that I blogged about in an earlier post.
It's all so exciting!
ON another note, I wrote that my c-section was scheduled for September 5. After arguing with my lovely husband about the fact that the 5th is indeed a Friday, I stand corrected. My c-section is scheduled for Friday September 4. Love you honey! Thanks for straightening me out on a regular basis.


  1. Oh what a wonderful husband!!
    Love GranGran

  2. And that wonderful husband is my son, love you all so very much, can't wait for Charlie to get here!!

  3. i will be coming to see yall soon after things get settled! i have to say the "how big is charlie lane section" right now is my all time favorite thing on a blog.
