Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Charlie update

I went to the doctor today for my 32 week (8 month) visit. I have gained 16 pounds (gasp!). He measured my stomach like he always does. Typically with most pregnant women, you can measure from the top of their tummy to the bottom and the length in centimeters should be close to the # of weeks pregnant that you are like 28 cm =28 weeks pregnant. Well, I am 32 weeks and my stomach is measuring 38 centimeters. So, according to the size of my belly, I should be due in 2 weeks, not 2 months. Dr. Huggins said that Charlie's growth is impressive and that he wants to do an ultrasound in a few weeks to get a better estimate of his weight (not that it matters, b/c I am having a c-section either way). If one more complete stranger asks me if I'm sure there's only one in there, I am going to scream!!! I want to laugh in their faces and say, "Do you think I haven't had any prenatal care? Do you think it's 1925 and ultrasound machines don't exist? If I have made it to 8 months pregnant and don't realize that I am carrying twins, then someone needs to alert the American Medical Association and turn in my doctor, and, they need to call DHR too, b/c I may not be suitable to raise said twins."
Now that I've vented, I promise there is a post in the works of Huett's birthday, but I am using pictures from several sources so I am having to get it all together. Just to keep you all in suspense, it invoved a real-life Batman, a bat-cave complete with fog, black-lights, bubble machine, and secret passage-way, and confetti that fell from the sky! Pretty freakin' awesome!! But there are pictures soon-to-come! I hope everyone is having a good week!


  1. Baby Charlie will be here before we know it so get going with his bedroom!!!

  2. I remember one time i had gained 12 pound in one week with Mikey, it was around the last couple of weeks of the pregnancy. I was bigger than you, everybody just laughed!

  3. He's gonna be a BIG boy, so he can fight off those adorable big brothers who are gonna want to hold him and squeeze him!
